Moving forward: Thanks to the many generous donations we received, our lorry carrying almost 20,000 kg of animal feed is on its way to Ukraine.

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It has now reached its first destination – the zoo in Warsaw. Here, the feed is being loaded into separate vans and prepared for further transportation to zoos in Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkiv and elsewhere. In the meantime, we are preparing a lorry load of medical supplies and food to send to our Ukrainian colleagues.

You can continue to help – every cent goes to zoo staff and animals in Ukraine.


Donation account

IBAN: DE84 1004 0000 0661 2345 00


Reference (Verwendungszweck): Hilfe für die Ukraine


You can also make a donation via our website: donate now!

Opening hours

Today, 21. January
9:00 - 18:00
Last admission: 17:00
All opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
All feedings


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