Numbers, dates and facts

From A for ant to Z for zebra loach, a fascinating world of animals awaits you in the heart of Berlin!

Under the shimmering blue-tinged light of the historic Aquarium, countless corals shine in dazzling colours while iridescent shoals of fish swim through fabulous underwater worlds. Welcome to Aquarium Berlin!

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The fascinating animals attract numerous visitors every year, the Zoo Berlin counts as one of the most visited zoos worldwide.
*in 2019

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From primordial turtles to fascinating poisonous spiders, a unique variety of species is waiting to be discovered. Did you know that Berlin’s zoological gardens are home to more species than any other zoo in the world?

Aquarium Berlin was designed in 1913 according to a concept developed by eminent animal biologist Oskar Heinroth.

What do spectacled caimans eat for breakfast and how much plankton do jellyfish need? Each and every species in our care has its very own meal plan. And with around 20,000 animals in the Zoo and Aquarium, our shopping list includes an awful lot of fish, meat and greens!

I´d like to doneta a food basket!

Aquarium Berlin breeds one of the largest varieties of jellyfish of any facility in the world. But the keeping and breeding of jellyfish is no easy task, as these creatures are highly sensitive and have very precise requirements. For example, a sophisticated system of nozzles is needed to keep the jellyfish in constant suspension. If they were to sink to the bottom or come into contact with the glass of the tank, the consequences could be fatal.

Discover animals

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The Aquarium’s largest tank is home to bonnethead sharks, lookdown fish, surgeonfish, angelfish and spotted eagle rays.

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Our many different aquariums house a variety of spectacular underwater inhabitants.

A snappy dinner date

What age do crocodiles live to? Does female Asha have a favourite food? How do the crocodiles get along with their housemates, the Bornean river turtles? During this commented feeding session at Aquarium Berlin, crocodile fans of all ages are invited to ask questions.

Not for the faint-hearted

Goosebumps are guaranteed when you set eyes on our venomous snakes and constrictors, with their hypnotising smooth bodies and supple movements. As well as the fascinating Indian python, there are various other slithering reptiles to discover.

A birthday with a difference

How about throwing a birthday party with VIP animal guests? Eye to eye with fascinating sharks, young explorers embark on an exciting expedition as they visit rare fish, crocodiles and more. Questions are encouraged on these birthday tours – and as a special highlight, the birthday guests even get a glimpse behind the scenes.

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With amphibians, reptiles, insects and more, the top two storeys of the aquarium are a hive of crawling, scurrying and slithering activity.

0 species of jellyfish

The Aquarium is home to a large number of jellyfish, and it successfully breeds around 15 different species.

Experts estimate that there are anywhere between five and 80 million animal species on our planet – and we only know about one million of them. Bigger, faster, taller –as well as mysterious secrets, the animal kingdom contains countless record-breakers.

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Ganges gharials are one of the largest crocodilians on earth.

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Chameleons have an extraordinarily large field of vision. Their only blind spot is the part of their back directly behind their head.

Turtles do not have teeth. Instead, their mouths have strong ridges that they use to chew.

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    Living fossils

    Tuataras look almost exactly like their ancestors who lived around 200 million years ago. As a result, they are often referred to as living fossils. These fascinating creatures can live to be 100 years old. They mainly feed on molluscs, insects and spiders.

    0 eyes

    Tarantulas not only have eight legs, but also multiple pairs of eyes.

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    Arapaimas are among the largest freshwater fish in the world.

    Our planet’s fascinating animal kingdom is in danger: over the coming decades, around one million species could be wiped off the face of our planet forever. But it’s not too late! With the right measures, we can ensure that many of these species are protected over the long term.

    Gharials are one of the rarest crocodilians in the world. Aquarium Berlin is supporting a project to save the Ganges gharial from extinction.

    I want to help!

    0 partner projects

    The Zoo and Tierpark support numerous innovative species conservation projects – from right here on our doorstep to far-flung locations like Madagascar.

    0 international studbooks

    The populations of threatened animal species in zoos are recorded and coordinated worldwide. The studbooks of, Amur Leopard, Vietnamese Pheasant and Siberian Tiger are, among others, managed from Berlin.

    Our project partners

    Animal rescue!

    The Earth is home to an incredibly rich and diverse variety of species. But every year, thousands of species disappear from our planet forever. Help us put a stop to species extinction. It’s not too late, and every donation helps.

    Donate now


    Opening hours

    Today, 15. February
    9:00 - 18:00
    Last admission: 17:00
    All opening hours

    Feedings & Trainings

    • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
    All feedings


    Zoo map