Our Mission

The earth is home to countless fantastic animal species and we have committed ourselves to wildlife conservation. We want to inspire our guests, raise awareness for species conservation and make a sustainable contribution to global species protection.

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    Loud chirps and mysterious gurglin

    ...fill our historic halls. Inside the tanks and terrariums, jellyfish perform their graceful dance, snakes slowly slither along branches, and impressive hammerhead sharks glide purposefully through the water.


    Welcome to Aquarium Berlin!


    Dive into a world of mystery

    The Aquarium is located right next to the famous Zoo Berlin. As well as delicate jellyfish, imposing nurse sharks, blacktip reef sharks and wobbegongs, bizarre anemones and an array of remarkable snakes, crocodiles, toads, newts, frogs and spiders, Aquarium Berlin is home to many weird and wonderful insects.

    Our animal inhabitants

    Discover colourful frogs and unusual camouflage artists.

    Curious creatures on the top floor

    Tradition meets modernity

    When Aquarium Berlin first opened its doors in 1913, society and its relationship with wildlife was different. More than a century after its foundation, the Aquarium has entered a new era and delights its guests with unique experiences and exciting curiosities from the realms of fish, amphibians, reptiles and insects.

    Worlds of experience

    Experience diversity

    Modern zoos and aquariums are so much more than just popular leisure facilities; they also play an important role in species conservation, research and education. Zoos and aquariums are where many children have their first contact with the diverse animal kingdom (at a safe distance where necessary, of course!) – experiencing astonishing animals like the rare Ganges gharial, the big-belly seahorse, and the black widow spider.

    Hand in hand with experts

    The animal kingdom still holds many secrets. Zoo and Aquarium Berlin work closely with scientists to shed light on the mysteries. Together, we hope to gain important insight into behavioural biology, for instance. Scientific research makes an important contribution to species conservation, as research findings from zoos can be used to benefit the zoo animals’ relatives in the wild. Berlin’s zoos are engaged in fruitful collaborations with the city’s universities and with the renowned Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW).

    Without the efforts of zoos, species like the red wolf, European bison, Przewalski’s horse and many more would likely no longer exist.

    Saving species together!

    Pulling together

    Zoos play a major role in efforts to protect animal species from extinction. Zoo Berlin not only contributes financially to species conservation projects around the world, it is also actively involved in international species protection programmes. Zoos have helped reintroduce species that were previously endangered or even extinct in their natural habitats.

    Our species conservation projects

    Clownfish and anemones have a symbiotic relationship, which means they help each other.

    learn more

    Learning about nature

    Education is an important tool for making the public aware of the need for species conservation measures. In our rapid-paced, digitalised modern society, there is a high risk of people losing their connection to the natural world. Visitors to Zoo Berlin can discover the many and various types of habitat around the globe and learn about the animals that live there. Commentated feeding sessions with pandas, orangutans, wolves and more provide fascinating insight into the animal kingdom.


    Aquarium Berlin breeds one of the largest varieties of jellyfish of any facility in the world.

    Dive in

    Animal rescue!

    The Earth is home to an incredibly rich and diverse variety of species. But every year, thousands of species disappear from our planet forever. Help us put a stop to species extinction. It’s not too late, and every donation helps.

    Donate now


    Opening hours

    Today, 22. October
    9:00 - 18:00
    Last admission: 17:00
    All opening hours

    Feedings & Trainings

    • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
    All feedings


    Zoo map