On the road to Warsaw

Two Tierpark staff members set off a few days ago with an important delivery for zoos in Ukraine.

Wherever they may be in the world, zoos are united by a shared mission. But since war began in Ukraine, the world has been turned upside down. Zoo and Tierpark employees have been working tirelessly to support Ukrainian zoos during the emergency. A few days ago, two Tierpark staff members, senior animal keeper Micha Horn and Sascha Böhme of the signs team, set off on a journey to deliver important aid to Ukraine. We talked to them about their special task.

Mr Horn, you are just back from an unusual work assignment. How did it come about?

Michael Horn: Right now, our Ukrainian colleagues’ only concern is keeping themselves and their animals alive. It was immediately clear to us that we had to help them. We have been in direct contact with zoos in Ukraine, as well as those in neighbouring countries like Poland. Together, we have been trying to procure urgently needed aid and take it to Ukraine. A lorry carrying more than 20 tonnes of animal feed has already completed a first delivery. My colleague Sascha Böhme and I were then responsible for driving another van to Warsaw Zoo full of supplies organised by Zoo and Tierpark Berlin. We received in advance a list of the goods required, which included dressings, feed and medicine for the animals. For the medical supplies, we had to apply to the authorities for a special permit. Once they arrive at Warsaw Zoo, the supplies are then taken on to Ukraine.

Mr Böhme, talk us through the process.

Sascha Böhme: Micha Horn and I loaded the Tierpark van with all the purchased supplies the day before departure. Then, at 2 a.m. the next day, we set off in the direction of Warsaw Zoo. The journey went smoothly, but it was long – we were on the road for almost eight hours. Once we arrived at the zoo, we and our colleagues on site unloaded the cargo and packed it into other vehicles. After a short break, we set off again on the 600 km drive back to Berlin. But this is by no means the end of the Zoo and Tierpark’s efforts to help. The situation in Ukraine is only getting worse, and Berlin’s zoos intend to continue delivering much-needed supplies.

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How can the public help?

Zoo and Tierpark Berlin launched a donation appeal just a few days after the war broke out. We have been amazed by people’s willingness to help – which is what makes relief initiatives like this possible. Every cent is passed on, and we hope to see this incredible support continue.

Donation account

IBAN: DE84 1004 0000 0661 2345 00


Reference (Verwendungszweck): Hilfe für die Ukraine


You can also donate via our website: Donate now!

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