Achieving great things together

Additional aid totalling more than 20 tonnes has now reached Ukraine via DB Cargo’s “rail bridge”.

    Thanks to the generous support of Loro Parque, Tierpark Finsterwalde, Jumbo Apotheke and numerous donors, Zoo and Tierpark Berlin have been able to keep zoos in Ukraine supplied with essential aid items like medical supplies during these difficult times. Abandoned pets are also being cared for. The donation campaign supported the establishment of vegetable gardens at Kyiv Zoo and the construction of greenhouses.

    And our help doesn’t stop there. Visitor numbers at Ukrainian zoos have plummeted. They are therefore heavily dependent on outside aid. We remain in close contact with our Ukrainian colleagues to find out exactly what is needed within the war zone.

    You can continue to help:

    Donation account

    IBAN: DE84 1004 0000 0661 2345 00


    Reference (Verwendungszweck): Hilfe für die Ukraine

    You can also donate via our website: DONATE NOW!

    Opening hours

    Today, 15. February
    9:00 - 18:00
    Last admission: 17:00
    All opening hours

    Feedings & Trainings

    • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
    All feedings


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